Wednesday, April 9, 2014


  1. Opening the door for somebody
  2. Say thank you
  3. Walking an elderly down the street 
  4. Give to the homeless
  5. Donate
  6. Help others with groceries 
  7. Pick up someone when they fall down
  8. When your playing a sport and your teammate makes a mistake, make him feel better.
  9. Getting the mail for mom or dad
  10. Making breakfast for your family
  11. Wash dishes for you someone
  12. Clean your house for your mom or dad
  13. Picking up something someone dropped.
  14. Giving someone a compliment 
  15. Help someone that is getting bullied
  16. Help a lonely pet on the street
  17. Help people in school if they don't understand
  18. Share. (But if your hungry then don't)
  19. Wash a car
  20. Give someone you love a flower
  21. Apologizing when you do something wrong
  22. Smile at a person
  23. Pick up the trash 
  24. Talk to the new kid in school
  25. Hugging your family and closest friends.

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